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Theodyssey Curriculum

We approach spiritual formation by exploring ten fundamental Conversations that are vital in understanding our faith journey.

The curriculum is creative and interactive, inviting participants to identify and deconstruct inadequate or distorted concepts of God, self, and others, and to establish a new foundation rooted in an engaging biblical framework.

Theodyssey Spiritual Formation Journey, Volume 1: Conversations 1-5
Includes one binder containing the conversations: Desire, Architecture, Father, Godwalking, and Excavation.

Desire is where spiritual life begins. How does God really feel about me? And what do I truly desire when it comes to a relationship with Him?

What does my life-development process have to do with who I am today, and how I experience my relationship with God, self, and others? What is my ‘grid,’ and why does it matter?

What is my concept of God as “father”? Is there a gap between my beliefs and my affective reality? What is God really like? And how do I change distorted ideas?

What are honest, biblically informed expectations to have about God and what it means to be in relationship with Him?

How do I get unstuck with regards to inappropriate guilt, shame, unforgiveness, disappointment or loss that can distort my relationship with God, self, and others?


Theodyssey Spiritual Formation Journey, Volume 2: Conversations 6-10
Includes one binder containing the conversations: Sexuality, Morph, Navigate, Contend, and Belong.

Walking in the fullness of healthy masculinity or femininity is a part of God’s ongoing transformation process in my life.

Spiritual transformation doesn’t happen by itself; I have to partner with a process. Spiritual habits disrupt the old rhythm of my life, and give me a way to create a new place of listening and responding to God.

How does God communicate His dreams and designs to us? What should I expect? How do I discern His voice from the competing chorus of voices that pull me in many different directions?

Spiritual warfare is a strategic battle for the mind. Unless I understand my true identity in Christ and learn how to live accordingly, I can be tossed about and badly hurt by accusation, temptation, counterfeit, and compromise.

Authentic community is where we become bringers of the very life of Christ to one another. It is here that I am remade into the image of Jesus.