We are Farmers (metaphorically), committed to the hard work of partnering with God to experience transformation.
We are a collective of people, with a diversity of Christian traditions, from various states and countries, who have all been through the 9-month Theodyssey journey. We desire to be transformational Christ-followers within our workplaces and communities.
We are committed to a way of being that is characterized by being attentive and responsive to the invitations of Jesus. We believe the ultimate goal of the Christian journey is to be conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others, and we pursue this goal together through three anchoring disciplines: being alive to God in Scripture, living a Sabbath rhythm, and journeying with Soul Friends.
We believe that if we, like Farmers, cultivate the soil within our own lives and the lives of others, that God will change the world one human heart at a time. Like wildflowers growing under guardrails, bringing beauty to the mundane, inspiring expressions of God’s Kingdom will emerge as we commit to God and each other