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Five Misadventures in the Christian Life

Misadventure: “an unsuccessful outcome of something well-intentioned and planned”

Do you long for something more in your relationship with God? While our journey with Christ starts out well intentioned, many get lost in spiritual misadventure – beliefs and practices that sound good, but instead lead into a cul-de-sac, leaving us spiritually apathetic, tired, cynical, or even burned out.

Is that you? 

This 6-week study is for those looking for a spiritual refresh. It provides both hope and a roadmap for reimagining a transforming friendship with Christ. A chance to explore possibilities, spark desire, and get a taste of what ‘can be’.

The resources below are meant to accompany the Fall Study booklet. You can purchase your copy for only $12 (including shipping) HERE.

Links to the Theodyssey Podcast episodes are below. You can also find the Podcast on our phone app, or search “Theodyssey Podcast” on any major podcast app.

We hope this journey provides a pathway to a transforming friendship with Jesus.


Many Christians spend years pursuing what they assumed was a path to spiritual growth, before ending up discouraged, burned-out, cynical, or worse.

This is the current reality for tens of millions in the U.S.—men and women who have experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ, and then gotten sidetracked by teachings and practices that sound right, but are really an exercise in spiritual misdirection.

This study is for those whose heart still beats for “something more” in their relationship with Jesus.


Having a Distorted View of God

“What comes to mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” – A.W. Tozer

If our view of God is distorted, our spiritual life will be compromised. Let’s explore who God really is by using His own words: the Bible.


Ignoring our Grid

If God really is loving and for me in life, why is my perception of Him so different?

We assume that our experience of life is accurate—that what we see and sense is the way things really are. However, it’s possible that while our experience is real, it might not always be true.

Never Knowing our Purpose

A journey begins with knowing the destination, that is, the purpose. What is the reason for the journey?

When it comes to the Christian life, what is the destination? Where are we headed and why? The answer to this question determines everything about how we spend our time, energy, and resources.


Navigating with the Wrong Map

If the purpose of the Christian life is to be conformed to the image of Jesus for the sake of others, what does that journey look like? How do we get there?

Our conception of reality determines how we approach life. If our map is flawed, our approach to life will be misguided and our experience distorted.


Equating Information with Formation

Has our factory worker approach to spiritual growth affected how we read the Bible? Perhaps much more than we can imagine.

What if the Bible were a place of personal encounter, where a transforming friendship with God were made possible?


Changing the Channel

If there is a disconnect between what God says is true and our everyday experience of Him, something is amiss.

By realigning our thinking with truth, we can change the channel of our inner world, and begin to welcome God’s possibilities for us.
