Theodyssey Leadership Cards


The Theodyssey Leadership Cards contain 87 key principles for spiritual formation small group leaders. They incorporate the five skills of a group leader, K-D-C-I-A (Know, Discover, Clarify, Invite, Accompany), three categories of functional skills (Meeting, Small Group Dynamics, Journaling), along with spiritual formation Key Concepts.

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The Theodyssey Leadership Cards contain 87 key principles for spiritual formation small group leaders. They incorporate the five skills of a group leader, K-D-C-I-A (Know, Discover, Clarify, Invite, Accompany), three categories of functional skills (Meeting, Small Group Dynamics, Journaling), along with spiritual formation Key Concepts.

Like flash cards, a corresponding illustration provides a visual clue.

Comes in a durable custom sewn bag with drawstrings.

$35 per set + tax (CA residents). Free Shipping!