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Alive to God in Scripture. Have you experienced that lately?

We have been trained to approach Scripture for information, where we analyze the content, discern the meaning, and apply it to our lives. We are in control. What if we went beyond information and allowed Scripture to form us more into the image of Christ? What if we truly encountered God as we read the Bible? This requires us to slow down and sit in a passage.

Intrigued? Hungry? Dive in!

For each leg of the journey:

  • Interact with written resources for overview and guidance.
  • Listen to the podcasts (here, on our phone app, or search “Theodyssey Podcast” on any major podcast app).
  • Put it into practice. Trust the process. Persevere.
  • Discuss with friends on the journey with you.

Questions about the process or the specific passage?  Email

Two months. One passage:
Psalm 1


Alive to God in Scripture

Introducing the Alive to God in Scripture process. There is a rich history to the journey we are on!


What is missing as I read the Bible?
The history of God transforming us through Scripture.
How do we recapture what has been lost?
The map of how to bring the beauty hagah into today’s culture.
What translation should I use?
A quick summary of options with recommendations.
Psalm 1 for Download
The NASB version to mark up and take notes.



How do we read for the sake of formation? The process is simple, but not easy. It is a process of learning how to slow down and stay in a passage long enough for God to meet you.


How do I approach the process of READ?
Learn how to slow down while reading, which is harder than we think.


Fall Study: How do you Read for Formation?
Discussion sharing our insight and experience within the journey of reading for formation.


THINK: What does it mean?

Learning the key guardrails that help us discern the author’s intent within a passage. It is definitely complex, but more accessible than we may realize.

Context. Genre. Meaning. Congruence.


Where do I start when determining the meaning of a passage?
There are 4 key guardrails that guide our process of interpretation.
How do I approach the process of THINK?
Some helpful insight for going deeper.
How do I use BibleHub? What are other helpful resources?
Clear steps on how to use the online tool of BibleHub. Also, a list of helpful resources to dive deeper.


How do Guardrails help?
We discuss how the four guardrails are helpful in guiding us towards meaning in Psalm 1.
What does Psalm 1 Mean?
Using the guardrails, we unearth the big ideas of Psalm 1 as we answer, “What does this passage mean?”


PRAY: What does it mean for me?

What would it look like if this was true in my life? What prevents me from experiencing this reality? Discerning God’s invitations as the meaning becomes real in your life.

Red and Green Arrows. 


How do I determine God’s invitations?
Learn the process of the Green and Red Arrows, where God speaks through desire and resistance.


What does Psalm 1 mean FOR me?
A conversation about surrendering control and hearing God’s invitations. We also discuss green and red arrows.
Interview with Kuimeuy Wang (Part 1)
Kuimeuy shares her insight, both struggles and victories, in learning how to navigate the Pray aspect of the process.
Interview with Kuimeuy Wang (Part 2)
Kuimeuy shares more of her journey, a few weeks later, about both the Pray and Respond elements for her in Psalm 1.


RESPOND: What do I choose?

Choosing to live as if this passage is true. How do we engage the will? How does this inform our view of God? Of ourselves?

Blue and Flesh Boxes.


How do I respond to God’s invitations?
Learn the process of Respond: nothing will change without engaging the will.


What do I choose?
Formation does not happen until we choose to respond. We discuss how to partner with God.

Special Podcast Episode:

Question and Response

We cover the most common questions we receive when people are learning this approach to Scripture. This process takes practice and perseverance. Hopefully this episode helps give you some traction.


Question and Response
What does encounter look like? What rhythm should I have? How do I know when to move on? Just a few examples of questions we cover.