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Theodyssey is a made up word (aren’t they all?) a combination of theos, God, and odyssey, a wandering and eventful journey.

Spiritual seekers long for “something more.” Their inner compass points beyond programs, formulas, and sermons about “how to have a successful life.” They long for the reality of God in their lives.

When it comes to the Christian life, what would it look like if:

  • Spirituality meant being attentive and responsive to the invitations of Jesus
  • Presence was valued more than propositions?
  • Receptivity was exercised more than control?
  • Obedience was practiced more than observation?
  • Formation was as important as information?
  • Encounter was prized as much as exegesis?
  • Whole life transformation replaced “believing”?
  • Loving others was the measure of spiritual maturity?

God invites us on a meandering, and often messy, adventure full of joy, heartbreak, freedom, confusion, and hope. It is not easy, but it is worth it.


Nine-month Journey

Spiritual formation happens by exploring topics vital in understanding our faith journey. We have a nine-month journey through the ten fundamental conversations highlighting various aspects of spiritual formation.

Short-Term Studies

Whether you are exploring spiritual formation for the first time, continuing your journey of transformation, or looking for a spiritual refresh, we have a growing collection of offerings that could help.

Tyrannus Hall

We offer a variety of trainings and certifications to equip Christ-followers from every walk of life with practical skills, biblical knowledge, and personal spiritual formation to guide others in the process of becoming all that God created them to be.

Farmer’s Co-op

An ongoing community of alumni from the Nine-Month Journey who are learning how to live as transformational Christ-followers within their local setting. We create opportunities for connection, growth, and training.