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Stories are the heartbeat of Theodyssey.  Hope is reborn.  Joy is found.  Jesus is experienced.

As we have conversations, ask questions, and spark desire, we have the deep privilege of witnessing God transform people through His pursuing love. We are merely joining God in what He is already doing! We hope you experience Jesus in a fresh and renewing way through the stories below.

Allowing the Light In

God desires to transform our shame with the truth of His love. See for yourself in Melissa's story.

Transformative Art

Being invited to step into who you really are? Hear an update on Craig's story as he learned how to

I Can’t Do This Alone

Community is vital when grieving and asking tough questions. Hear the power of community in Laura's story.

“Man of the House”

The journey from head to heart can be treacherous. Hear how Zane took his first step on the journey.

Where were you, God?

Where is God in the midst of your pain? Why didn't He protect you? Hear Kathryn's story.

Am I Not Worthy?

If you are God's child, don't you deserve more? Where is He when you need Him? Hear Rich's story.

How do others see me?

Do you have voices and memories that define you? How do you shake them? Hear Mark’s story.

How Can I Trust you?

How do we meet God in the midst of unmet expectations and unanswered prayers? Hear Kuimeuy’s story.

The Suffering is Too Great

Do you question how God can allow such incredible suffering in this world? Hear Joanna's story.

Is this all there is?

Do you wonder if there is more to being a follower of Jesus? Hear Craig’s story.

Am I Unlovable?

Does your past seem too much for God's love and grace? Hear Laura’s story.

Success is My Identity

Have you found your identity in something other than God? Hear Cary’s story.