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August 2016

The Annoyance of Grace

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Grace can be so elusive. Not because of the character of grace, which is abundant and available, but because of the barriers we have put up. Whether the voices in our head that push performance, the demands of the culture, or just the completely illogical notion of grace, we have a hard time grasping and taking hold of what has been lavished upon us. 

Our clan of 5 went back to visit my family in Pennsylvania this summer and luckily our trip coincided with the annual celebration for the town of Intercourse. So many jokes come to mind, but must…stay… focused. Adding a third kid to our family has created some new travel constraints, especially the size of car we need. To help us cut down the cost of the trip, my parents and sister’s family sacrificed time and energy to constantly switch around cars to make it work without us renting a van! We drove my sister’s minivan throughout the week, which was a huge blessing.

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