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Finding our Home in Christ. I want to believe it’s possible, but it often feels elusive for me. Finding Home (learn more HERE) is as much for me as anybody. While on a constant journey from “head to heart,” the idea of intimacy and connection with God is a real struggle. As I’m digging into this with you, I wanted to share some things that have been helpful for me along the way.

Write it down
Grab a “journal,” but keep it simple. Write down a word, phrase, question, or invitation. The act of writing it down helps me remember. Then, revisiting the phrases helps me see themes and progress.

Share it with others
Our obstacles can be seen and overcome with the help of others. Inspiration, companionship, and clarity have come out of the conversations I’ve had with friends wrestling through similar themes.

Stay with a Question
If your first response to a Question is, “I don’t know,” stay with it. We often want to move on, bypassing where God may be at work. “What would it take to be fully drawn into God’s love?” I’m now five weeks into that question and still learning.

Be Patient
The Explorations may create more questions than answers, but trust that God is working within the process. Transformation does not come easy or quick, but it is worth it. Finding Home is a lifelong journey.

I am in the trenches with you, fighting to see and carve out my own path towards Finding Home.