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A storyteller? What is that? I receive that question a lot when the inevitable discussion comes up about my line of work. And I’m sure many others connected to Theodyssey are wondering the same thing.

Am I a politician or a salesman, because they love telling stories? No. Do I read children’s books at the local library? Maybe, but not related to Theodyssey.

So why would Theodyssey choose to hire a Storyteller? Since we desire to create a culture where everyone is a “storyteller”, we thought we would share some vision.

I read The Jesus Storybook Bible to my kids every night. And I love it. Sally Lloyd-Jones does a tremendous job in simplifying the stories for children, but also brings the love of Jesus into every narrative. God has spoken to me in profound ways by reading this children’s Bible. Why?

The story of God’s “Wonderful, Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love” (phrase often used by Lloyd-Jones) is woven throughout the Bible. We can often take a passage out of this bigger-story context and lose sight of the overarching theme. Our faith is about choosing to enter into God’s story. 

We often highlight certain doctrine or theology in our attempts to convince people that Jesus is the answer to whatever they are dealing with. That may work sometimes, but can feel disconnected from their reality; their story. What if we told them a story that was more intriguing and transformative than the one they are living? What if we told a story that tapped into their deep longings? What if we told them the story of Jesus’ love for them and how God has been pursuing His creation since the beginning of time?


The most tangible way to share the bigger story of God is through the individual stories of our lives, as our blip on the radar screen is a small window into the greater narrative. It is woven into the unique barriers we have overcome, the freedoms and hopes we cling to, and the unspeakable tragedy we sometimes face. When God meets us in the midst of our messiness, it tells a story that others can relate to. 

As a ministry, we want to celebrate who God is. We want to share how God is doing amazing things in our lives, and not to brag about ourselves, but to brag about God.

We want to do this for several reasons:

For God

God deserves all glory, honor, and praise.  It is as simple as that. In our minds, there is no better way to show our gratitude for who He is and what He does than to tell stories.  Stories with Him as the main character.

For Ourselves

We want to remind ourselves of God’s goodness. With the pressures and responsibilities of our lives, it is easy to lose sight of the larger narrative. And if we are in cruise control, or are going through a tough season, hearing how God is working in the lives of others can be the inspiration we need. 

For Others

We want to share the goodness of God with others. A description of Theodyssey may not convince somebody that spiritual formation is what they truly desire. Can God really intersect their journey? But what if they heard a story of God’s breakthrough with somebody walking a similar path? Our hope is to capture the myriad of ways God’s love can be experienced to give you an arsenal of stories at your disposal. We have made it extremely easy for you to share the stories from the website or Facebook. It is as easy as sending a message with a link and a note: “Hey, would love for you to watch this video and let me know what you think!”  We think the stories will allow God to lead us to the people that need Him and open up new conversations.

Our prayer is that storytelling becomes part of your worship.  Part of your inspiration.  And part of your “for the sake of others.” We want to help facilitate this through capturing stories, but we hope is spreads well beyond the website.

Whether it is the story of a transformative season, a huge breakthrough, or just a moment where you felt God’s delight, share the story. Let God work through it.

Let’s be a movement of people known for sharing stories of God’s overwhelming love!


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