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Laura’s recent story on our storytelling podcast, We’ll Leave The Porch Light Oncaused me to reflect on a difficult event in my own life. I want to pass along something I’ve found helpful for knowing Jesus’ presence amid the storms of life.

When overwhelmed by anxiety, fear, and loss, we are left feeling numb, even abandoned.

When we have no words, sacred art offers us a way to reengage with Jesus. Sacred art is a visual prayer that can spark embers in our heart like kindling put to match. Soon a gentle warmth and simple presence settle upon us like a weighted feather quilt.

We are whole people – mind, body, emotion, and imagination. God can speak to us in various ways to assure us that we are not alone, no matter how traumatic or severe our circumstances.

For many of you, I’m inviting you to try something new and stretching. But you might be surprised by how God meets you through sacred art. I know I was.REFLECTION

Take a few minutes to explore Rembrandt’s Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee. Notice the characters, colors, and emotions on display.

Where do you find yourself in this scene?

Now, prayerfully invite Jesus to reveal how he is present with you amid your circumstances. What does he show you? (Note that our feelings often have a lot to say about our relationship with Jesus.)

Jesus doesn’t promise a storm-free life.

But the power of his presence that restored hope and peace in this story (Matthew 8:23-27) can do the same for us today.