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“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

-A.W. Tozer

Almost all of our Nine-Month groups have wrapped up for the year, and we are celebrating the stories of transformation. Each individual has a different journey with unique breakthroughs. Yet one of the common themes through most stories is their view of God.

One of our groups had each member draw two pictures representing their relationship with God. They drew the first one at the beginning of the journey, without knowing the exercise would be repeated. The second picture came at the very end of the group. Here are three examples of how our view of God can shift throughout the Theodyssey experience!

Journey #1

His journey with God felt like stumbling in the darkness. God provided him with a flashlight, giving him just enough light to see the next step. Not a lot of hope or intimacy involved in the journey, but a God who provided just the minimum to survive.

Now God meets him in a safe place of solitude, surrounding him with His presence. Occasionally, God breaks through to give him a glimpse. The calmness, safety, and closeness in this photo is a stark contrast to the beginning of the journey.

Journey #2

The big boat represents God, who is always there and always powerful. The little boat represents her journey, where she can come and go as she pleases. God is somebody she can check in with, but without an intimate connection.

Now you see her sitting next to God by a relaxing stream. They spend time together in silence, just enjoying each other’s presence. As leaves fall to the ground (thoughts enter her mind), she shares them with God and moves on. They are on a journey together.

Journey #3

At the beginning of the journey, she feels distant from God. She recognizes that God thinks of her often, but her thoughts only occasionally turn to Him. That changes of course if she is experiencing pain, but the connection does not last.

Now, there is freedom. Freedom to dance in front of God, regardless of the situation. There is a connection and intimacy that allow her to navigate the highs and lows of life.

Feeling close to God, and grasping His presence during all moments, is a huge step for many. An authentic and transforming faith cannot exist if God seems distant, disengaged, or impersonal. It is a privilege to walk alongside of people as their distorted views of God are dismantled. Thanks to everyone who partners with us!

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