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David Smith

Knowing God begins with awe

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The James Webb Space Telescope images give us a front-row seat to the wonders of Creation. The image below captures the Cosmic Cliffs from the Carina Nebula, located some eight million light years from earth.

What looks like jagged mountains and glittering stars is the edge of a massive, superheated “cavity” where stars are formed. This image’s tallest “peaks” are about seven light-years or 41 trillion miles high.[1] And this is one tiny speck hidden amid the heavens above.

Take a breath and pause for just a moment. This is truly awesome!

When an ancient, Middle Eastern king reflects upon the astonishing splendor of the heavens—a universe that we now know is about 40 billion light-years across— he poses a question that still boggles the mind some 3,000 years later:

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What got us here and what we can rely on going forward.

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In a few weeks, we launch our 19th ministry season. We’re excited about sharing significant next steps for Theodyssey. And we’ll do that in the coming weeks.

But right now, it somehow feels essential to just sit on the tailgate of my truck and share the most critical thing you need to know about Theodyssey.

With our world in the throes of extraordinary conflict and polarization, we need to pause and remember what got us here and what we can rely on going forward.

Our confidence is in Jesus Christ and Him alone. And I want you to know precisely why I say that.   Read More

An Invitation to “Wonder”

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Most of my mentors these days are age six and younger.

While entirely unaware, these mentors regularly reveal mysteries of the human heart, including capacities long forgotten or ignored. They remind us of how God created us, and consequently, what has been lost.

For example, what is “wonder” and how to respond to it.

On September 19th, my grandson Jeffery David (I’m still negotiating name order) entered this world prematurely at 29-weeks and barely three pounds. His first car ride was an ambulance to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit, where he spent two whole months (with mom and dad alternating shifts all day). Read More

Porch Without a House

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Are you a “porch without a house?” 

Let me explain.

YouTube sensations Rhett McLaughlin, 43, and Link Neal, 42, host the Good Mythical Morning channel and Ear Biscuits podcast, having earned more than $30 million dollars. After being missionaries and Campus Crusade (now Cru) staff members, they have walked away from their faith. Read More