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Thanksgiving. In the midst of the chaos of travel, loud conversations, and quirky family traditions, we can easily forget the heart of the holiday. To pause and focus on what we are thankful for.

So as a ministry, we pause. We are beyond grateful. 


. . . the unconditional love of Jesus, which overwhelms any amount of brokenness, heals the most fractured relationships, and creates hope in the midst of the most daunting fear.

. . . a God who has a heart to protect our greatest joys, willing to provide restrictions and guidance in order for us to experience the fullest life.

. . . the many stories of transformation that we have been able to witness throughout the years. Our STORIES page is merely a drop in the bucket of what God has done.

. . . a Board of Directors that not only gives time and resources towards our vision, but prayer, compassion, and their entire beings in a fight for what could be.

. . . over 100 trained leaders and mentors who sacrificially invest to bring out the best in others, giving more of their time than we could possibly express.

. . . the generosity and sacrifice of many of you, who have made sure we have been able to offer our services free of charge while still paying our bills for over 12 years now.

. . . the emerging communities of alumni in San Diego, Santa Cruz, and San Jose, connecting to help each other continue their journey of being conformed to the image of Jesus for the sake of others.

. . . a vision of bringing real solutions to the greatest problems around us. That we awake each day with courage, desire and creativity to bring the presence of Jesus into the frontline of cultures.

. . . YOU. Not for what you give to Theodyssey, but for who you are.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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