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Do you read the Bible?

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The Bible can elicit a wide range of emotions, from joy to anger to boredom. It leaves an impression.

If this book is inspired by God, it matters! Just the possibility of inspiration often creates desire for exploration. To pick it up and start reading. Yet the idea of “reading the Bible” can mean something different for each person.

There are various approaches and unique seasons. I have navigated most of them in my journey, noticing the value in each step. If you are tired of reading the Bible, is it possible your approach does not match the season?

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Three Glimpses

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“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

-A.W. Tozer

Almost all of our Nine-Month groups have wrapped up for the year, and we are celebrating the stories of transformation. Each individual has a different journey with unique breakthroughs. Yet one of the common themes through most stories is their view of God.

One of our groups had each member draw two pictures representing their relationship with God. They drew the first one at the beginning of the journey, without knowing the exercise would be repeated. The second picture came at the very end of the group. Here are three examples of how our view of God can shift throughout the Theodyssey experience!

Journey #1

His journey with God felt like stumbling in the darkness. God provided him with a flashlight, giving him just enough light to see the next step. Not a lot of hope or intimacy involved in the journey, but a God who provided just the minimum to survive.

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Fighting for the Middle

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Most people agree that we find ourselves in a unique time. There is anxiety and fear, loud thoughts and views, and pressure to pick a “side”. How do we anchor ourselves in tumultuous times?

I have been spending some time in a passage that feels too familiar. I memorized Phil. 4:4-8 in college, and go back to it often. But sometimes, familiarity causes the impact to diminish. The power and beauty of the passage becomes normalized.

I have been using the lexicon on Biblehub (a tool more simple than most realize) to bring out the fullness and complexity of the original language.

“Let your gentleness be evident to all.” Read More

Fruit does not always taste good

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The Nine-Month Journey has been the heart of Theodyssey for over a decade. Thousands of people have sacrificially created space in their lives for the hope of experiencing more of Jesus. The process takes incredible courage. Similar to the Israelites longing for the “known” of slavery in Egypt as they ventured towards the promised land, we often miss the comfort of “what has always been.” A deep desire for more is the only catalyst that can push us through, allowing us to cling to what is on the other side.

We always have a retreat midway through the Nine-Month journey. It is a time to get away from the demands of our lives for a weekend, dedicating time to examine and explore within community. For many, it is when things get real.

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Lean on me!

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Trellis Living.

What does that even mean? We rarely take notice of a trellis, and I doubt anybody has been inspired by walking by one.

Yet that trellis is vital for that plant to thrive and grow. It allows each vine and leaf access to the nutrients it needs.

If we approach our spiritual growth as a Farmer, our posture is different. A farmer has to partner with mystery, but still works hard to provide their crop with as much sun, water, and nutrients as possible.

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The Fighting Farmer!

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We desire to see transformational Christ-followers embedded in their local community. People equipped to bring the presence of Jesus into their spheres of influence. Men and women who live with courage in the midst of a shifting culture.

We have seen over 4000 people go through Theodyssey over the years, but we have never had a formal way to journey together beyond the initial group. It was time.

We created the Farmer’s Co-op.

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I Stand by the Door

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We are all have a list of Bible verses, books, and stories that have inspired us, marking key moments in our journey. There is a poem that has been an anchor for Theodyssey for a long time. A guide rail in our vision discussions. You can find the entire poem HERE, but we wanted to share the first section as a taste.

I stand by the door.
I neither go to far in, nor stay to far out.
The door is the most important door in the world –
It is the door through which men walk when they find God. Read More

A Generation Hungry for God… But Not Church

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We feel a burden for the next generation. We study culture, ponder possibilities, and lose sleep to prayer. We are motivated by reaching the generation of Millennials sitting in coffee shops, sipping craft beer, caring for the environment, and finding the common good in all people. 

Why are we passionate about the next generation of Christ-followers? Many are disenfranchised with the church, walking away from the religion and image of God that was presented to them, whether intentionally or with an unknowing impact of faithful response. If we are not able to give hope of an authentic friendship with Jesus to the next generation, the voice of our loving God could blend into background noise. 

Today, we have the most unchurched generation in American history. We either go to them, and help deconstruct the barriers keeping them from Christ, or they will be lost.

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What Happened to Culture?

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Culture is fragile. Culture is shakeable. Culture is constantly shifting. And for many, hope is found in this culture. 

The results of the election caused much despair and fear, which is understandable. After an incredibly polarizing campaign, anger and disappointment was inevitable, regardless of result. And now, the spotlight on culture has brightened, exposing the vast brokenness of humanity.

This is not about making a political stance. This is not about dismissing legitimate fear and grieving. It is acknowledging that we have a divided nation because we have forgotten how to listen. Maybe unity can be found in grieving for our culture at large.


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